Peter McCullough: Det gir gode resultater å behandle covid-19 tidlig

Peter McCullough avlegger vitnemål om tidlig behandling av covid-19 for Senatet i Texas.

Dr. Peter McCullough avla vitnemål i Senatet i Texas 10. mars 2021 der han viste til sine erfaringer med å behandle covid-19-pasienter for å unngå sjukehusinnleggelser og død. McCullough har publisert flere fagfellevurderte vitenskapelige artikler om dette og sier at han er sjokkert over i hvor liten grad fokuset har vært på å behandle og helbrede pasientene.

Denne videoen er publisert av Association of American Physicians and Surgeons:

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”Lets not have a single person going home with a testresult with a fatal diagnosis sitting at home going into two weeks of dispair before they subcome to hospitalisation and death. … There is not a single media doctor on tv who has ever treated a covid patient. Not a single one! … There was a silensing of any information on treatment! You cant get papers published on this! … All effort has to be on vaccinations! … You cannot beat natural immunity. You cannot vaccinate and make it better! … There is no scientific rationale to vaccinate young and healthy people. … There is no asymptomatic spread of covid-19. … Covid19 has allways been a treatable illness. … 85% of deaths could have been prohibited with early treatment.”

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