Det er ikke lenger siden enn 12. mai at USAs utenriksminister John Kerry møtte Vladimir Putin og Sergeij Lavrov i Sochi. Der snakket han varmt om det gode samtaleklimaet og behovet for samarbeid med Russland. Han advarte også Ukrainas krigslystne president Petro Porosjenko mot å gjenoppta krigen i Øst-Ukraina.
12. juni 2015 er stemningen en helt annen i følge spaltisten James Carden i The Nation. Carden er tidligere rådgiver for State Department, er redaktør i The American Conservative fast bidragsyter i The National Interest og Russia Direct.
Given President Obama’s statements following the completion of the latest G7 summit on Tuesday in Krun, Germany, it would seem that Washington is a long way off from such an “understanding.” Trumpeting Russia’s “isolation” from the G7, the President noted with evident satisfaction that thanks to the EU’s sanctions regime “Russia is in deep recession” and the group stands ready to “impose additional, significant sanctions.” Mr. Obama’s rhetoric at the G7 had a positively Cold War tinge to it, asking of the Russian President: “Does he continue to wreck his country’s economy and continue Russia’s isolation in pursuit of a wrong-headed desire to re-create the glories of the Soviet empire?”
Carden spør hva dette klimaskiftet i Washingtom kan komme av. Og han peker på at det han kaller «krigspartiet» i State Department var raskt ute etter Sochi for å ødelegge Kerrys fredsfølere:
Three days after Kerry departed the Black Sea region, his Assistant for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland arrived for talks in Kiev. That same day State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke spun the meaning of Kerry’s talks at Sochi, presenting them in a far different light than Kerry himself had.
Så Victoria «Fuck the EU» Nuland er på krigsstien igjen, nå for å spenne beina under sin egen sjef. Og hjemme i USA fikk hun backing av visepresident Joe Biden, han som fortalte at USA hadde mobbet Europa til å godta sanksjonene:
Meanwhile, in the US, the hawks took aim at Kerry. Julianne Smith, a former top national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, complained to the New York Times that Kerry’s trip to Sochi was “counterproductive” and that “it created this kind of cloud of controversy around what is the U.S. strategy, why did he go?”
Carden oppsummerer det han mener er hensikten med disse manøvrene:
The war party’s motives in ginning up the anti-Russian hysteria in both Kiev and Washington are threefold: to undermine Kerry’s diplomatic effort in Sochi; to bolster the EU’s resolve in holding the line on sanctions; and, worst of all, to drive a stake through the heart of Minsk II.
Les hele Cardens artikkel her.
Dette betyr i så fall at faren for krig øker igjen, og at nazistene innenfor de væpnede styrkene i Ukraina vil få muligheten til å framprovosere krigshandlinger som setter en sluttstrek for Minsk2-avtalen. Og naturligvis vil Russland få skylda.