VisionTalks – Health, Lockdown and Human Rights Part 2/5

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::: VisionTalks is a new channel on inspiring themes – DO SUBSCRIBE! ::: A big thank you to MD Charlotte J. Haug, lawyer Erlend Efskind and journalist and humanitarian Liv Ronglan this week. We look at the virus, the lockdown measures as they play out in Norway, similar to across the world, and the human rights inflicted. We ask: Are the lockdown measures in tune with what science says when listening to deeper medical, judicial and humanitarian knowledge? An arising debate in Norway prompted this conversation to become the premier for this channel. English subtitles. Editor: Steinar Almelid.

Gjengitt etter avtale. Det er forøvrig ingen redaksjonell tilknytning mellom VisionTalks og Gjenbruk er gitt for å bidra til et mest mulig åpent samfunn, der fri deling er naturlig byggesten.

Første episode her.

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