Mediekorporasjonene har stort sett vært fullstendig enstemmige i sin nesegruse og ukritiske framtilling av White Helmets, slik som vår hjemlige statskringkaster NRK.
Derfor er det grunn til å merke seg det når Newsweek slår huller i myten om de hvite hjelmene. I en artikkel 22. juni 2017 skriver Tom O’Connor i magasinet:
The Syria Civil Defense (SCD), commonly referred to as the White Helmets, released a statement Tuesday announcing it had dismissed one of its volunteers over “a gross breach” of the group’s codes in the southeastern Syrian governorate of Daraa, where the Syrian army and its allies are attempting to regain territory from insurgents and jihadists. The statement came in response to an extremely graphic video shared on social media that featured a man in a White Helmets T-shirt assisting armed militants in disposing the mutilated corpses of fighters aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The White Helmets, which often face accusations of acting on behalf of armed rebel groups, maintained that the member in question had done so on his own accord.
The White Helmets work closely with Dutch NGO Mayday Rescue Foundation and receive tens of millions of dollars in funding from various Western charities, governments and private organizations.
The group has been forced to publicly acknowledge on occasion major breaches of its stated goals, including an incident last month when White Helmets were spotted overseeing a bloody execution of a man in rebel-held Daraa. After the graphic footage was shared widely, the White Helmets released a statement defending the duty of disposing of bodies, but admitting that volunteers “did not fully uphold the strict principle of neutrality and impartiality.”
The White Helmets were established in 2014 and operate almost exclusively in areas held by rebels and parts of Turkey, which also sponsors the group. Since the group’s founding, most of the insurgents who began the 2011 uprising have lost territory to either ISIS or the Syrian government, the latter of which has secured most of the nation’s population centers in recent months. In territory under the control of the Syrian government, Syria’s own civil defense forces operate. The Syrian government has been a member of the International Civil Defense Organization since 1972.
Er det ikke på tide at også norske medier begynner å drive kritisk journalistikk om al-Qaidas PR-avdeling? Eller skal de fortsette den ukritiske hyllesten som NRK bedrev på Urix?
Les: What happened to the White Helmets?