Forumet European Leadership Network (ELN) publiserte 12.08.2015 en rapport med tittelen Preparing for the Worst: Are Russian and NATO Military Exercises Making War in Europe more Likely?
Hvem er ELN? Det er en europeisk tenketank som konsentrerer seg om utenrikspolitikk, forsvars- og sikkerhetsspørsmål. Den er basert i London, og ledes av den tidligere britiske forsvarsministeren Des Browne. De har et nettverk av tidligere stats- og forsvarsministre over hele Europa. Blant de norske medlemmene i nettverket finner vi Kjell Magne Bondevik, Gro Harlem Brundtland og Kåre Willoch.
ELN har studert NATOs og Russlands militærøvelser gjennom det siste året, spesielt en russisk øvelse som omfattet 80.000 soldater i mars 2015 og NATOs Allied Shield-øvelse i juni 2015. Og deres konklusjon er:
Both exercises show that each side is training with the other side’s capabilities and most likely war plans in mind. Whilst spokespeople may maintain that these operations are targeted against hypothetical opponents, the nature and scale of them indicate otherwise: Russia is preparing for a conflict with NATO, and NATO is preparing for a possible confrontation with Russia.We do not suggest that the leadership of either side has made a decision to go to war or that a military conflict between the two is inevitable, but that the changed profile of exercises is a fact and it does play a role in sustaining the current climate of tensions in Europe. These tensions are further aggravated and elevated into a sense of unpredictability when the exercises are not pre-notified or publicly announced beforehand, as is apparently the case with a number of Russian exercises.