Fredsprisvinnere er noe for seg sjøl. I Det hvite hus sitter fredsprisvinner Barack Obama og har bombet flere land enn knapt noen president før ham. Den rekorden er det umulig å slå. Men polske Lech Wałęsa, som fikk fredsprisen i 1983, og har vært president i Polen, synes også han må være med. Han mener at Vesten må true Russland med atomvåpen, i følge International Business Times:
Former Polish President Lech Walesa told a Ukrainian magazine that the West should confront Russian President Vladimir Putin with its own arsenal of nuclear weapons to curb what he called Russian aggression. Much like other Polish politicians, Walesa has spoken out against Russia numerous times since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis last year.
The West must do everything possible to curb Russian aggression, including “sending in nuclear missiles,” said Walesa. “It’s important to show we have them, and that they are better than Russia’s.” Walesa, who started his political career as an anti-communist trade union activist in the 1970s, was fundamental in seeing Poland’s transition from a communist state to the Republic of Poland during his five years as president from 1990 to 1995. He was persecuted by Poland’s communist government during his early years in politics.
Da har han kanskje gjort seg fortjent til enda en fredspris?