Som jeg alt har pekt på bruker USA nøyaktig motsatt argumentasjon i tilfellet Jemen og i tilfellet Ukraina. Alexander Mercouris tar dette på kornet i artikkelen Yemen, Ukraine and the US ‘Single Standard’.
What critics of the United States’ moves denounce as double standards is actually a single standard: the US does not consider itself (or its allies) subject to rules of behaviour that apply to everyone else.
In February 2012 President Hadi of Yemen was elected President of the country in an election of dubious democratic legitimacy in which he was the only candidate. In January 2015 he was overthrown by a coup spearheaded by Yemen’s Shia minority. In February 2015 he fled to the southern port city of Aden where he declared his overthrow illegal. He has since fled to Saudi Arabia, which is using violent force to restore him.
The United States supports Saudi Arabia’s actions and is providing intelligence and logistical support.
In January 2010 President Yanukovych of Ukraine was elected President of the country in a closely fought election declared democratic by the Western powers. In February 2014 he was overthrown in an unconstitutional coup spearheaded by Ukraine’s western minority. In the same month he fled to Crimea where he declared his overthrow illegal and called on Russia to restore him to power. Russia declined to do so but rescued him and brought him to Russia instead.
The United States vigorously denounces Russia’s actions, accusing Russia of engaging in an armed intervention in Ukraine — which is not actually taking place — and has imposed sanctions upon Russia, branding the country a threat to world peace.
Utenriksminister Børge Brende tok nylig sterk avstand fra dommen og iverksettelsen av denne. Samtidig eksporterte Norge i 2013 elektronisk militærutstyr til en verdi av 1.7 millioner kroner til det saudiarabiske regimet. Det viser årets Stortingsmelding om norsk eksport av forsvarsmateriell.
Tall fra Statistisk sentralbyrå viser at Norges eksport til Saudi-Arabia doblet seg under den rødgrønne regjeringen.