Yanis Varoufakis, fra Syriza, finansminister i Hellas er intervjuet i den tyske avisa Die Zeit, og intervjuet er vel verdt å få med seg. Han forteller blant annet hvor katastrofal den såkalte Troikaen har vært for Hellas:
When I was still working at the University of Athens, there was a cleaning lady there named Anthoula. We often had to work until midnight. Although her workday had ended much earlier, Anthoula cleaned up after us and unlocked the rooms for us the next morning. Guess who was let go first as part of the austerity program? Anthoula.
ZEIT ONLINE: Can politics let such individual fates determine its direction?
Varoufakis: No. But the example of Anthoula is emblematic of the situation in Greece. The reforms have been inefficient and unfair. That is why I’ve also ordered that the cleaning ladies in my ministry be rehired. … These people (Troikaen) haven’t dismissed highly paid consultants, for example, but rather cleaning ladies who cleaned the rooms and toilets at night. Women over 50 who went home with €500 a month. This decision is morally reprehensible. And before you ask about it: We will save money in other places – by not extending the consultants’ contracts.
Seinere i intervjuet kommer Varoufakis med sin punchline, som resten av Europa burde ha forstått for lenhe siden:
I’m the finance minister of a bankrupt country!