Internasjonal presse har ikke vært nådig overfor Syriza etter den foreløpige avtalen mellom Hellas og EU:
If this was meant to be the challenge to German economic orthodoxy, it failed,… The Germans prevailed on all the substantive issues.
FT råder Syriza til å følge Platons råd fra dialogen Lovene, der han sier at den statsmannen som bare planlegger for fred, vil sannsynligvis feile. Finansavisa mener at Hellas bør ha en Plan B som viser at de er i stand til å overleve også utenfor eurosonen.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
With the new government led by the left-wing Syriza party, Greece is continuing the old bailout program. Funding will only be provided if the country undertakes reforms.
Le Monde:
Athens is promising to finish the work of the previous conservative government of Antonis Samaras, enacting reforms imposed by the troika of creditors (IMF, ECB, EU) that have not yet been implemented.
Tsipras Can Expect More Humble Pie: … Mr. Tsipras has capitulated on many issues in the past week … But he will have to capitulate on plenty more if he is serious about putting Greece’s place in the euro zone once again beyond doubt.
Paul Mason i Channel 4 skriver i artikkelen Greece: Debt Colony With a Bit of Home Rule:
On Friday night the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, averted total surrender to a German led demand for Greece to implement the total austerity programme of its former conservative government. He did so by signing up immediately to a compromise that, in his mind, retained about 20 per cent of the programme Syriza was elected on.
Tsipras’s statement is not even wishful thinking, its a combo of untruths. Schauble in vicious and triumphalist mood, told the Greek delegation that he was wondering how they would explain this capitulation to their people.
Now that the dust has settled a bit, we can look calmly at the deal — if it really is a deal that survives through tomorrow, which some people doubt. And it’s increasingly clear that Greece came out in significantly better shape, at least for now.
We still remember the image of monks in the Middle Ages, who said that meat was actually fish in order to overcome the difficulties of the endless fasting. This image perfectly fits the developments that have been unfolding in Greece in recent days under the SYRIZA-ANEL government.