Avslørende fra Tim Geithner om europeiske ledere
Tidligere finansminister i USA, Timothy Geithner, avslører hvordan rasende europeiske ledere ville hevne seg på Hellas og hvordan de ba om støtte fra USA til å styrte Silvio Berlusconi. Det er Peter Spiegel, fra Financial Times som har fått tak i Geithners høyst personlige og meget avslørende notater. Deler av dem er gjengitt i The Telegraph:
Geithner forteller at han deltok på en offisiell middag da de europeiske lederne kom og sa (jeg beholder originalen):
‘We’re going to teach the Greeks a lesson. They are really terrible. They lied to us. They suck and they were profligate and took advantage of the whole basic thing and we’re going to crush them.’
Utad prøvde EU-kommisjonen, Angela Merkel & co å framstå som rasjonelle ledere som prøvde å finne den beste løsningen for Hellas og Europa. Men Geithner viser at de var hevngjerrige og handlet i sinne og gikk inn for å knekke Hellas. Han gjengir sin egen reaksjon på EUs planer for Hellas:
I was f***ing apoplectic about it and I said it may be that you’re going to have to – I can’t remember how I said it – you may be, if you’re going to restructure Greece, but until you have the ability to in effect protect or guarantee the rest of Europe from the ensuing contagion, this is just [a] metaphor for our fall of ’08. You can’t do that.
Det var da også en brutal sjokkdoktrine EU lagd for Hellas.
Geithner forteller også om forspillet til at EU de facto avsatte Italias valgte statsminister, Berlusconi:
The Europeans actually approach us softly, indirectly before the thing saying: ‘We basically want you to join us in forcing Berlusconi out.’ They wanted us to basically say that we wouldn’t support IMF money or any further escalation for Italy if they needed it if Berlusconi was prime minister. It was cool, interesting. I said no. But I thought what Sarkozy and Merkel were doing was basically right, which is: this wasn’t going to work. Germany, the German public, were not going to support a bigger financial firewall, more money for Europe, if Berlusconi was presiding over that country.