Fredsbevegelsen fortsetter å organisere seg og demonstrere i USA. 18. mars blir det en ny demonstrasjon i Washington mot krigen i Ukraina og for fredsforhandlinger. Demonstrasjonen skjer på 20-årsdagen for krigen i Irak, og knytter seg dermed direkte til fredsbevegelsens tradisjoner i USA og motstanden mot USAs permanente kriger. Denne fredsbevegelsen ser også sammenhengen mellom krigen og angrepene på folks levevilkår. Hovedparolene er:
Fund People’s Needs, Not the War Machine!
Peace in Ukraine – Say NO to Endless U.S. Wars!
I oppropet for demonstrasjonen heter det:
Krigen i Ukraina og sanksjonene mot Russland gjør det vanskeligere for folk å klare seg, betale husleia, fylle bensintankene, sette mat på bordet og holde lysene på.
Mye av skaden skyldes sanksjonene mot Russland, en stor produsent av alt fra olje til hvete. Den amerikanske sentralbanken innrømmer at konflikten «presser opp inflasjonen» samtidig som den bremser veksten.
For å bekjempe inflasjonen må vi avslutte USAs massive internasjonale sanksjonsregime og kreve at de slutter å sende våpen for å gi næring til Ukraina-krigen, og slutte å blokkere fredsforhandlinger.
Wall Street Journal sier nå: «Gassprisene vil stige igjen etter som sanksjoner mot Russland trer i kraft,» mens økonomer som er eksperter på global økonomi sier det «massive krigssjokket» vil produsere ny inflasjon, svekke selvtilliten og husholdningenes kjøpekraft.»
USAs sanksjoner mot Venezuela og Iran vil ytterligere påvirke markedet for olje og gass og drive opp prisene på de fleste varer og driver klimakrise ødelegger planeten.
Det er tydelig som alltid at USAs egen politikk med sanksjoner, og proxy-krigen som ble provosert fram av NATOs politikk, direkte fører til levekostnadskrise for arbeiderklassen, mens det militærindustrielle komplekset og Wall Street blir rikere.
Dette er kriminelt – tiden for å handle er nå!
Demonstrasjonen er helt i tråd med den amerikanske fredsbevegelsens og arbeiderklassens beste tradisjoner, og bredden i bevegelsen øker. Denne formen for fredsbevegelse er også klassekamp. Et nytt element er at også organisasjoner på høyresida omfavner denne kampanjen mot krigshysteriet og angrepene på folks levestandard.
Norsk venstreside skiller seg negativt ut fordi flertallet av den entydig har tatt stilling for krigsindustrien og det korrupte oligarkregimet i Ukraina og godtar krigsbevilgninger som vil gå på bekostning av arbeiderklassens levevilkår i mange år framover.
De organisasjonene som foreløpig har sluttet seg til demonstrasjonen er:
- ANSWER Coalition
- The People’s Forum
- Black Alliance for Peace
- United National Anti-War Coalition
- World BEYOND War
- Popular Resistance
- Roger Waters
- Veterans for Peace
- Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
- U.S. Labor Against Racism and War
- National Council of Eritrean-Americans
- Democratic Socialists of America International Committee
- AFSCME Local 2401
- United Students Against Sweatshops
- Palestinian Youth Movement
- Pivot to Peace
- Peace and Freedom Party
- U.S. Peace Council
- Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
- Alliance for Global Justice
- Dr. Helen Caldicott, Founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility*
- Pax Christi USA
- Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)
- Universal African Peoples Organization
- Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
- Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US
- Malcolm X Center for Self Determination
- Geneva Women’s Assembly
- Coop Anti-War Café Berlin
- Oahu Water Protectors
- Green Party of California
- Haiti Liberté
- Arab Americans for Syria
- International Action Center
- Howard University Dissenters
- Students for a Democratic Society
- Critical Theory Workshop / Atelier de Théorie Critique
- United Native Americans
- Los Ronderos de las Redes
- International Manifesto Group
- Green Party National Women’s Caucus
- Los Alamos Study Group
- Rising Together
- People’s Tribune
- Tony Ndege
- Hawaii Peace and Justice
- PeaceWorks
- Foreign Policy Team, Progressive Democrats of America
- California Interfaith Power and Light
- East Bay Democratic Socialists of America
- Task Force on the Americas
- Hunter Peace Group
- Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild, LA Chapter*
- Women Against Military Madness
- Struggle-La Lucha
- Peace Praxis – Shenandoah Valley Antiwar Coalition
- Nevada Green Party
- Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Canada)
- Green Party of Michigan
- Peoples Power Assembly
- CODEPINK S.F. Bay Area
- Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
- Stop the War Machine – New Mexico
- Workers World Party
- Socialist Action
- End the Wars & Occupations Team of Progressive Democrats of America
- Bronx Green Party
- Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
- Hampton Institute
- Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- Socialist Party of America
- Chicago Anti-War Coalition
- Claudia Jones School for Political Education
- National Immigrant Solidarity Network
- Ellie Ommani, American Iranian Friendship Committee*
- China-US Solidarity Network
- Dissenters at UVA
- North American Climate Conservation and Environmental Group
- Ohio Peace Council
- Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran
- Peoples Power Assembly
- Socialist Unity Party
- Green Party of Connecticut
- Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee
- Environmentalists Against War
- Pacific Green Party (OR), Linn-Benton Chapter
- Lauren Faith Smith Ministry for Nonviolence
- Maine Cumberland County Greens
- Clínica Martín-Baro San Francisco, CA
- Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace
- San Jose Peace and Justice Center
- Servicio Particular Alacran
- Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
- Green Renaissance-Sovereign Rights Movement
- PeaceWorks of Greater Brunswick
- UPWARD (Uniting Peace With Actions Respect and Dignity)
- Socialist Party of America
- North Country Peace Group
- Green Party Elders
- Students for a Democratic Society at USC
- WilderUtopia
- Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
- Organizing Committee for a Democratic Revolutionary Left
- Odessa Solidarity Campaign
- Capitol Area Greens (Michigan)
- Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Canada
- Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Defense Campaign
- Uhuru Solidarity Movement
- Soakoaroan Mix Youth Organization
- Friends of Latin America
- Workers Voice Socialist Movement (Louisiana)
- Boston May Day Coalition
- MN Anti-War Committee
- Maine Green Independent Party
- The Libertarian Institute
- Bianca For San Francisco
- Green Party of Utah
- Dancing Redband Publications
- Peace, Land, and Bread
- League of Revolutionaries for a New America
- Party of Communists USA (PCUSA)
- American Party of Labor
- San Jose Friday Peace Vigil
- League of Young Communists USA (LYCUSA)
- WNC4Peace
- DC Young Communist League
- Peace Action Network of Lancaster
- People’s Network for Planet, Justice, and Peace
- People’s Party of Maine
- Middle of the Mitten Greens
- Church Women United in New York State
- Partisan Press
- Peoples School for Marxist-Leninist Studies
- Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
- Community Organizing Center Ohio
- Peace Fresno
- Green Liberty Caucus
- Korean Friendship Association USA
- Diaspora Pa’lante Collective
- Green Party of Santa Clara County CA
- Movement for People’s Democracy
- Vrede Met Venezuela NL/Peace With Venezuela Netherlands
- DC Statehood Green Party
- Chicago ALBA Solidarity
- AlgeriaRevoltup
- Pacifica Peace People
- Communist Party USA – Detroit Club
- Green Party of New Jersey
- NuclearBan.US
- Midwestern Marx Institute
- Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
- Planet Versus Pentagon (Oregon)
- National Lawyers Guild International Committee
- Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign/Poor People’s Army
- Seattle for Assange
- California United Front
- Free Democratic Palestine Movement (FDPM)
- Frente Unido América Latina – Berlin
- Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
- Phoenix Antiwar Coalition
- Extinction Rebellion Peace, SF Bay Area
- Orinoco Tribune
- Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League (PAIL)
- Munich-American Peace Committee
- Global Strategy of Nonviolence
- Four Lakes Green Party
- PeaceDaySF
- Dallas Peace and Justice Center
- Nebraskans for Peace
- Green Party of New York
- Red de Solidaridad con Palestina Costa Rica
- Turkish Peace and Justice Committee (Davis, CA)
- Peace Action WI
- Rising Sun Media
- Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter Veterans For Peace
- Interfaith Peace Working Group
- Wisconsin Green Party
- No More Guantanamos, Berkeley Chapter
- PEX al lado del corazón
- Red Star Publishers
- North Carolina Green Party
- CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
- Anticapitalism for Artists
- Iowa Green Party
- MD2Palestine
- Upstate Drone Action
- Associazione Città Aperta
- Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition
- Ann Arbor Coalition Against the War
- Extinction Rebellion Peace
- New York Peace Council
- Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts
- Anti-imperialist America
- Hamilton Coalition Against the War
- Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice
- North Alabama Peace Network
- Green Party of Washington State
- Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP)
- Chicago Area Peace Action
- Ron Ridenour, Author and anti-war/pro-equality activist
- NH Peace Action
- Cuba Inside Out
- Women Against War
- CT Peace and Solidarity Coalition
- Seattle Anti-War Coalition
- Long Beach Area Peace Network
- Seed of Love Hawaii
- Church Women United in New York State
- Border Peace Presence
- Mississippi Green Party
- Our Revolution Ocean County, NJ
- National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth
- NYC Free Assange
- Green Party of Allegheny County
- Organic Consumers Association
- Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition
- Unite North Metro Denver
- Rocky Mount Racial Justice Group (NC)
- People’s Ideas