Hva skal man med vaksinetvang og koronapass når de vaksinerte smitter minst like mye som de uvaksinerte og vaksinene har svært kort varighet?
The Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research er på mange måter et barn av The Great Barrington Declaration.
Paul Elias Alexander har en doktorgrad. Han har erfaring innen epidemiologi og i undervisning i klinisk epidemiologi, evidensbasert medisin og forskningsmetodikk. Han har gjort en gjennomgang av 22 studier av vaksinenes virkning og effektivitet. Resultatet er lagt fram i denne artikkelen: 22 Studies and Reports that Raise Profound Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy for the General Population.
Bevisene strømmer på at covid-19-vaksinene ikke er så effektive som annonsert mot Delta-varianten som ble dominerende høsten 2021. Deltaen lærer hvordan den kan trives. Bevisene hoper seg opp for at de vaksinerte viser en viral mengde (svært høy) som ligner på de uvaksinerte, og de vaksinerte er like smittsomme.
Funnene tilsier at smitteeksplosjonen globalt sett – etter dobbel vaksinasjon f.eks. Israel, Storbritannia, USA osv. – som vi har opplevd sannsynligvis kommer av at de vaksinerte driver epidemien/pandemien og ikke de uvaksinerte. Vi har vaksinert mot et virus som ikke lenger er noen presserende bekymring, selv om vaksinedataene så langt tyder på effektivitet for den demografiske mest utsatte gruppa.
Dataene ser ut til å antyde at infeksjonen er 50:50 (vaksinert versus uvaksinert) mens Storbritannia rapporterer 70 % av dødsfallene hos vaksinerte (Delta-varianten), selv om det er debatt om forskjellen over og under 50 år gamle. Det ser ut til at det er de vaksinerte som blir smittet og dermed overfører viruset i langt høyere hastighet. Dette reiser stor tvil om nytten av universelle vaksinepass.
Her presenterer jeg en kombinasjon av 22 studier og historier som understreker hvor stort problem dette er for NIH, CDC, FDA og vaksineutviklere. Det fremhever absolutt problemene med vaksinepåbud som for tida truer jobbene til millioner av mennesker. Det reiser ytterligere tvil om saken for vaksinering av barn.
Vi har valgt å gjengi denne lista på engelsk, siden de lenker til kilder som også er på engelsk. (Red.)
1) Gazit et al. out of Israel showed that “SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected.”
2) Acharya et al. found “no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta.”
3) Riemersma et al. found “no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.” Results indicate that “if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to others.” They reported “low Ct values (<25) in 212 of 310 fully vaccinated (68%) and 246 of 389 (63%) unvaccinated individuals. Testing a subset of these low-Ct samples revealed infectious SARS-CoV-2 in 15 of 17 specimens (88%) from unvaccinated individuals and 37 of 39 (95%) from vaccinated people.”
4) Chemaitelly et al. reported a Qatar study which showed that the vaccine efficacy (Pfizer) declined to near zero by 5 to 6-months and even immediate protection after one to two months were largely exaggerated.
5) A Siri reporting suggests that as high as 90% of hospitalizations in the US are among the vaccinated.
6) Riemersma et al. reported Wisconsin data that corroborate how the vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can potentially (and are) transmit (ting) SARS-CoV-2 to others (potentially to the vaccinated and unvaccinated). They found an elevated viral load in the unvaccinated and vaccinated symptomatic persons (68% and 69% respectively, 158/232 and 156/225). This implied no difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated in terms of carriage and transmission (symptomatic). Moreover, in the asymptomatic persons, they uncovered elevated viral loads (29% and 82% respectively) in the unvaccinated and the vaccinated respectively. This suggests that the vaccinated can be infected, harbour, cultivate, and transmit the virus readily and can be doing this unknowingly.
7) Subramanian reported that observed increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination when they looked at 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. In other words, there is no clear discernable relationship (maybe a marginally positive association, where higher vaccination did not reduce the transmission).
8) Chau et al. (HCWs in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh), looked at transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant among vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam, and their findings further ransacks the COVID-19 injection landscape and throws it into turmoil in terms of disastrous findings. 69 healthcare workers were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. 62 participated in the clinical study. Researchers reported “23 complete-genome sequences were obtained. They all belonged to the Delta variant, and were phylogenetically distinct from the contemporary Delta variant sequences obtained from community transmission cases, suggestive of ongoing transmission between the workers. Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020”.
9) A CDC report by Brown in the MMWR (Barnstable, Massachusetts, July 2021) found that in 469 cases of COVID-19, there were 74% that occurred in fully vaccinated persons. “The vaccinated had on average more virus in their nose than the unvaccinated who were infected.”
10) Finland nosocomial hospital outbreak (spread among HCWs and patients): “In conclusion, this outbreak demonstrated that, despite full vaccination and universal masking of HCW, breakthrough infections by the Delta variant via symptomatic and asymptomatic HCW occurred, causing nosocomical infections.”
11) Israel nosocomial hospital outbreak (also spread among HCWs and patients) both revealed that the PPE and masks were essentially ineffective in the healthcare setting. The index cases were usually fully vaccinated and most (if not all transmission) tended to occur between patients and staff who were masked and fully vaccinated, underscoring the high transmission of the Delta variant among vaccinated and masked persons.
12) UK’s Public Health England Report # 42 on page 23 raised serious concerns when it reported that “waning of the N antibody response over time and (iii) recent observations from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) surveillance data that N antibody levels appear to be lower in individuals who acquire infection following 2 doses of vaccination.”
13) This UK report #42 (Table 2, page 13), as well as those reports 36 to 41, show a pronounced and very troubling trend, which is that the double vaccinated persons are showing greater infection (per 100,000) than the unvaccinated, and especially in the older age groups e.g. 30 years and above.
14) CDC’s Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that the vaccines are not stopping transmission which is an admission limits vaccine effectiveness.
15) Levin et al. “conducted a 6-month longitudinal prospective study involving vaccinated health care workers who were tested monthly for the presence of anti-spike IgG and neutralizing antibodies”…they found that “six months after receipt of the second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine, humoral response was substantially decreased, especially among men, among persons 65 years of age or older….”
16) 40% of local Covid-19 cases in Syracuse, New York, are in the vaccinated.
17) Israel: One leading Israeli health official reported that the vaccinated are accounting for 95% of severe and 90% of new hospitalizations for COVID-19.
18) Suthar et al. examined the durability of immune responses to the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. They “analyzed antibody responses to the homologous Wu strain as well as several variants of concern, including the emerging Mu (B.1.621) variant, and T cell responses in a subset of these volunteers at six months (day 210 post-primary vaccination) after the second dose…data demonstrate a substantial waning of antibody responses and T cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, at 6 months following the second immunization with the BNT162b2 vaccine.”
19) Nordström in Sweden report on their study which shows that (cohort comprised 842,974 pairs (N=1,684,958), including individuals vaccinated with 2 doses of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, mRNA-1273, or BNT162b2, and matched unvaccinated individuals) “vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 against infection waned progressively from 92% (95% CI, 92-93, P<0·001) at day 15-30 to 47% (95% CI, 39-55, P<0·001) at day 121-180, and from day 211 and onwards no effectiveness could be detected (23%; 95% CI, -2-41, P=0·07).”
20) CDC Director Rochelle Walensky’s and Dr. Fauci’s call for boosters basically tells you all you needed to know, that the vaccine has failed to live up to its most elaborate promises.
21) Yahi et al. reported that “in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).”
22) Israel is prepping for a 4th booster shot; it reveals that the vaccine has not to live up to its inflated promise.
Avslutningsvis er det mange som ønsker vaksinen, og de bør stå fritt til å akseptere den som enkeltpersoner. Den offentlige fordelen med universell vaksinasjon er det derimot stor tvil om, og bør som sådan ikke forventes å bidra til å eliminere de sosiale kostnadene ved viruset, langt mindre være pålagt av regjeringer.