Diebarn blir sjuke og dør av vaksinen som moren tar


Etter hvert som flere og flere data legges inn i det offentlige vaksinebivirkningsrapporteringssystemet (VAERS), ser vi nå tilfeller der babyer som ammes får uønskede reaksjoner på COVID-sprøytene som mødrene deres tar. Skuddene er ennå ikke godkjent for spedbarn, selv om en slik autorisasjon forventes når som helst nå.

Dette skriver Brian Shilhavy, som er redaktør for Health Impact News:

Celeste McGovern fra LifeSite News rapporterte om et tilfelle der den ammende babyen døde med blodpropp, noe som sjelden er sett hos spedbarn, men en vanlig bivirkning vi ser hos folk som tar COVID-sprøytene, blodpropp som CDC sier er «sjeldent » til tross for dataene i VAERS som viser over 10 000 tilfeller av «trombose», inkludert 488 dødsfall.

VAERS rapport ID 1532154 ble tilsynelatende lagt inn av moren, en 36 år gammel kvinne fra New Mexico:

17. juli gikk babyen min bort. Jeg hadde ammet min 6 uker gamle baby på det tidspunktet jeg fikk den første Pfizer-vaksinen 4. juni 2021. Han ble veldig sjuk med høy feber ca. 2 uker etter at jeg fikk den første Pfizer-vaksinen 21. juni. Han ble behandlet i 2 uker med IV-antibiotika for en antatt bakteriell infeksjon. De fant imidlertid aldri noen spesifikke bakterier, og kalte diagnosen hans kulturnegativ sepsis. På slutten av sykehusoppholdet testet han positivt for rhinovirus. Etter den 14 dager lange antibiotikakuren var han hjemme i én uke, men viste merkelige symptomer (f.eks. hovent øyelokk, merkelige utslett, oppkast). Jeg tok ham med tilbake til sykehuset 15. juli, hvor han hadde det de kalte en atypisk Kawasaki-sykdom. Han døde kort tid etter av blodpropp i de sterkt betente arteriene.

Shilhavy skriver:

Jeg kjørte et søk i VAERS-databasen for å se hvor mange andre rapporter som har blitt arkivert med mødre som ammer babyer, og kom opp med 94 tilfeller, som inkluderte en annen spedbarnsdød. (Kilde.)

Den andre ammende spedbarnsdøden er VAERS-sak 1166062 som viser trombotisk trombocytopenisk purpura som et av symptomene. Trombotisk trombocytopenisk purpura er en sjelden blodsykdom der det dannes blodpropper i små blodårer i hele kroppen.

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Brian Shilhavy har søkt mer i VAERS-databasen, og vi legger ved noen av hans trekk som referanse for leserne. Ved enhver tidligere vaksine eller ny medisin ville så alvorlige bivirkninger ført til en umiddelbar stans i bruken av medisinen eller vaksinen. Men nå er det tydeligvis ingen grenser for hva slags skader myndighetene og BigPharma er villige til å påføre befolkninga under press, trusler og tvang. Vårt spørsmål til myndighetene er: Hva skal til av rapporterte skader før dere stanser?

30-Year-Old Connecticut Breastfeeding Mother with 5-month-old son – Vomiting, Diarrhea, Body Rash, and Hematuria

VAERS case 970309: Patient is breastfeeding her 5 month old son. Two nights after her 1st Moderna dose, he had violent vomiting, diarrhea, body rash, and hematuria (blood in urine).

36-Year-Old California Breastfeeding Mother – Hives

VAERS case 999040 (Pfizer): Breastfed son have severe hives x5days.

31-Year-Old California Breastfeeding Mother with 4-month-old-son – Diarrhea

VAERS case 1070803 (Pfizer): I was exclusively breastfeeding at the time of receiving both doses. My 4 month old son developed diarrhea on February 1st and it lasted 2 weeks. Lab work/stool studies were negative for any bacterial or viral infections.

38-Year-Old New Jersey Breastfeeding Mother with 3-month-old daughter – Skin Rash

VAERS case 1111787 (Pfizer): I am breastfeeding my daughter exclusively. She was born December 9, 2020. She is roughly 3 months old. She had an all body rash.

35-Year-Old Alaska Breastfeeding Mother with 12-month-old infant – Anaphylaxis shock

VAERS case 1119088 (Pfizer): Patient received 1st in series covid vaccine at approximately 915… she breastfed her 12 month-old infant shortly thereafter without problem. around 1215 baby was getting fussy and breastfed for about 5 minutes before baby broke out in hives.

EMS was called and epinephrine/diphenhydramine administered for course cough/wheezing, presumably anaphylaxis.

Other foods consumed by baby on same day included banana, kids fig newton bar, dried apples, meat from frozen meal, and two piece of cereal (new to baby). ER course required 4 hours of monitoring but no other medical interventions.

Infant Breastfeeding Boy in Alaska – Anaphylaxis shock


34-Year-Old California Breastfeeding Mother with 11-Week-Old infant boy – Appetite decrease, Vomiting

VAERS case 1139952 (Moderna): Breastfeeding exclusively an 11 week old infant boy. I have no adverse effects other than sore arm but within 24 hrs baby appetite decreased and vomited once so far.

40-Year-Old Breastfeeding Mother with 1-Month-Old Infant – Diarrhea for 36 hours

VAERS case 1144429 (Pfizer): I am breastfeeding and the day after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID19 vaccine and breastfeeding that day, my one month old had diarrhea for approximately 36 hours. There were no other changes to diet. Approximately 14 hours prior to the diarrhea I had one dose of tylenol to help with the aches from the vaccine reaction.

29-Year-Old New Jersey Breastfeeding Mother with 15-Month-Old child – Ear infection, fever

VAERS case 1149144 (Moderna): The patient who received the vaccine was a breastfeeding mother. Her 15-month-old developed an ear infection, requiring antibiotics for the first time ever, within 72 hours of the vaccine administration.

Her 15-month-old developed a fever of 102.6 approximately 6 days after the vaccine was administered. He then was prescribed antibiotics 7 full days after the vaccine was administered to the mother.

31-Year-Old Illinois Breastfeeding Mother with 10-month-old son – Persistent Fever of 100 – 103 F.

VAERS case 1168528 (Moderna): The patient is breast-feeding her 10 month old son, and the child developed a persistent fever of 100 – 103 F. starting 12-24 hours after vaccination and still persisting on day #4 after vaccination.

34-Year-Old Indiana Breastfeeding Mother with son – Skin rash

VAERS case 1205906 (JANSSEN): Became tired around 8pm, followed by chills, fever 101.8, sweats(taken around 12:30am), weakness, joint pain, and nausea. The fever and chills lasted around 5 hours. The following day I was weak in my hands and joints were sore. I am a breastfeeding mom and my son broke out in a rash the following day.

30-Year-Old Indiana Breastfeeding Mother with son – Rash spread from his stomach to his entire body

VAERS case 1229118 (Pfizer): I was diagnosed with shingles on 3-18-21. I started having a rash on 3-15-21. I have been prescribed medication that I just started. I am breastfeeding and my son developed a rash on 3-15-21. The rash spread from his stomach to his entire body.

The rash turned bright red and bumps were visible on his entire body. The redness decreased starting on 3-17-21. He was seen by a doctor on 3-19-21 and told it is a viral rash likely from the vaccine but nothing can be done.

28-Year-Old Indiana Breastfeeding Mother with 9.5-month-old son – Fever, Abnormal feces

VAERS case 1242964 (Moderna): I am currently *breastfeeding* a male baby who was 9.5mo old at time of *my* vaccine.

That afternoon he took an unusually long nap, was unusually cranky and lethargic during the day; and by evening had a 100.7*F fever.

He slept through the night (skipping his nightly feed–this has only ever happened three times since birth so very uncommon) and was still cranky and tired/sleepy the next day. His fever broke about 30hrs after onset.

He has since had a significant change in wet/dirty diapers– his total, daily wet diapers have decreased and his dirty diapers have gone from semi-solid stool to very wet, more explosive, and incredibly grainy/gritty ever since (it”s been a week and a half now since my dose). I have continued to breastfeed during this whole time.

37-year-Old New Jersey Breastfeeding Mother with 3-month-old baby – Diarrhea

VAERS case 1258446 (Pfizer): Breastfeeding 3 month old baby had loose stools for one week after receiving 2nd Pfizer shot.

33-Year-Old New York Breastfeeding Mother with infant – Projectile vomiting

VAERS case 1262437 (Pfizer): Breastfeeding infant developed projectile vomiting for hours. Went to urgent card who said other breastfeeding mothers were there with sick infants with similar symptoms few days after getting vaccinated.

27-Year-Old New York Breastfeeding Mother with 8-week-old infant – Fever

VAERS case 1275035 (Moderna): Breastfeeding 8 week old baby had a fever one day after maternal vaccination.

25-Year-Old Florida Breastfeeding Mother with daughter – Fever, diarrhea

VAERS case 1277155 (Moderna): I’m Breastfeeding and at 7:15pm my daughter started developing a fever. She felt warm to the touch. Her forehead temperature was 99.7F.

She has since had diarrhea and has been acting very clingy and nursing around the clock. Still going on at 7:11am 05/1/2021

35-Year-Old Breastfeeding Mother with 14-month-old – Diarrhea

VAERS case 1298064 (Moderna): I”m breastfeeding my 14-month old 3x a day. She had mild diarrhea and mild stomach upset on 5/6 and 5/7. Ruled out no change in diet. Diarrhea is not common for her.

30-Year-Old California Breastfeeding Mother with 22-month-old daughter – Fever, irritable

VAERS case 1324020 (Pfizer): About ten days after the vaccine I started to have intense cramping and I lost a blood clot. My belly was tightening up and I started to feel downward pressure. I also had back pain. I was checked out at the hospital, and they did not find anything wrong. I was 23 weeks pregnant at the time. I have not had any more cramping.

I am also breast feeding my toddler and she was cranky and out of sorts after each dose of the vaccine. She was really irritable and she was running a low grade fever. My daughter is 22 months old. Pregnancy-second

32-Year-Old Breastfeeding Mother with 7-week-old baby – Lethargic, increased spitting up

VAERS case 1334516 (Pfizer): Aches and chills beginning 10-12 hours post dose. Also some weakness and fatigue. Persisted for about 24 hours. Moderately managed with acetaminophen (500 mg Q 6 hrs). Patient is breastfeeding; her 7 week old baby was somewhat lethargic and had significantly increased frequency and volume of spit up during the same 24 hour window, but did not appear to be uncomfortable.

31-Year-Old North Carolina Breastfeeding Mother with 2-month-old infant – Blood clot, dark stools

VAERS case 1347789 (Pfizer): This individual has a 2 month old infant and was breast feeding at time of administration of both Pfizer covid19 vaccines.

Four days after the first vaccine, individual noticed a blood tinged clot-like spit up in infant and then dark stool from infant one day later.

Two days after the second vaccine, mom noticed a blood-clot-like drainage from nipple (that individual says looked just like the blood tinged spit-up that was noticed in infant).

32-Year-Old Texas Breastfeeding Mother with 4-week-old infant – Fever, nasal congestion, loss of appetite

VAERS case 1443445 (Pfizer): I’m currently nursing. My son was only 4 weeks old and experienced a fever of 101? around 12am 6/12/2021 and fever wouldn’t lower even with Tylenol. He also had nasal congestion and wouldn’t eat. He was taken into Hospital the same day but no source to the fever etc. was found.

37-Year-Old  Texas Breastfeeding Mother with 10-month-old daughter – Hives on face and body

VAERS case 1592542 (Moderna): Within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine, I felt that I was going to pass out. I had to sit down on the floor in pharmacy. Within the next few hours, I experienced mild chest pain , mild to moderate head ache, and flu like symptoms. In addition, most of the left side of my face went numb like Bell’s palsy (forehead, cheek, lips and tongue on the left). I got the vaccine on a Tuesday.

On Wednesday and Thursday my 10 month old breastfed baby started experiencing hives on her face and body. Her ears were red on the tips. Her hands and fingers were red and swollen hot to the touch. I took her to urgent care where she got an oral steroid. She tested negative for any respiratory virus. It is now a few weeks later and I still have a spot on the left side of my lips with no feeling. I am experiencing extreme fatigue where it is difficult to stay awake throughout the whole day.

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