I juli 2016 ble det avholdt et møte i Rio de Janeiro i noe som kalles International Tribunal for Democracy in Brazil. De var invitert til å ta stilling til suspensjonen av Brasils president Dilma Rousseff. Tribunalet har sitt forbilde i Russell-tribunalet som spilte en viktig rolle i motstanden mot Vietnamkrigen.
Azadeh Shahshahani er en amerikansk advokat som blant annet har vært president i National Lawyers Guild i USA. Hun skriver om tribunalet og deres kjennelse i The Nation.
Impeachment should require indisputable evidence of the commission of a crime by the president. As is clear from the wording of the Constitution, impeachable offenses are serious and are committed intentionally against legal interests directly linked to the structure of the Constitution and, consequently, the Brazilian state. The applicable law does not include budgetary accounting errors or funding shortfalls as impeachable crimes.
A recent report by the Public Prosecutor’s office found that Rousseff is not guilty of any crime. In contrast, many of the pro-coup deputies are under indictment for political corruption which has engulfed about 60 percent of the members of the lower house. Temer himself, for example, is accused of accepting 1.5 million reals (about $430,000) in bribes from a construction company doing business with the Brazilian oil giant Petrobras. A series of leaked wiretap recordings have also revealed that some of Rousseff’s main rivals conspired with the Supreme Court to oust her and stall the corruption investigations.
Tribunalet hørte framstillinger fra begge sider i Brasil og trakk følgende konklusjon av høringa:
Based on the extensive evidence presented to us, we found that what is happening in Brazil is a conspiracy against democracy. Impeachment is being used for partisan purposes to depose a democratically elected leftist president. This is, in effect, a coup, and those who engineered it are guilty of massive corruption and grave crimes, and must be held to account.
Our panel of international jurists also unanimously found that the removal of Rousseff from office “violates all the principles of the democratic process and Brazilian constitutional order.”
Noam Chomsky har kalt dette for «tjuvenes kupp».
Vedtaket om riksrett mot Rousseff ble fattet til tross for at ingen har lagt fram noen anklager mot henne om korrupsjon. Slike anklager finnes derimot mot flertallet av de senatorene som vedtok tiltalen. New York Times skrev om dette. WikiLeaks avslørte i sommer at kuppresident Michel Temer har vært informant for USA.
Obama-administrasjonen er begeistret over kuppet og kaller det demokrati. Og alt Hillary Clinton har sagt og gjort tyder på at hun står på samme linje. Hennes venner i Goldman Sachs spiller en sektral rolle i kulissene i Brasil.