FNs generalsekretær Ban Ki-moon innrømte 9. juni 2016 at han hadde fjernet Saudi Arabia fra FNs liste over regimer som dreper barn. Dette skjedde bare 72 timer etter at lista var publisert og det skjedde på grunn av økonomisk utpresning fra Saudi Arabia. Det er Saudi Arabias brutale krigføring i Jemen som førte til at de havnet på denne lite flatterende lista. The Intercept gjengir FN-rapporten slik:
According to the report, at least 785 children were killed and 1,168 injured in Yemen last year alone, 60 percent by coalition airstrikes. The report documents dozens of coalition attacks against Yemeni schools and hospitals.
Ban Ki-moon sa ikke direkte hvem som hadde tvunget FN til å fjerne Saudi Arabia fra denne lista, men nyhetsmeldinger, blant annet i Foreign Policy, sier at presset kom direkte fra regjeringa i Riyadh.
The Intercept skriver videre:
After loud public objections from the Saudi government, Ban said on Monday that he was revising the report to “review jointly the cases and numbers cited in the text,” in order to “reflect the highest standards of accuracy possible.”
But on Thursday, he described his real motivation. “The report describes horrors no child should have to face,” Ban said at a press conference. “At the same time, I also had to consider the very real prospect that millions of other children would suffer grievously if, as was suggested to me, countries would defund many U.N. programs. Children already at risk in Palestine, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and so many other places would fall further into despair.”
Saudi Arabia is one of the U.N.’s largest donors in the Middle East, giving hundreds of millions of dollars a year to U.N. food programs in Syria and Iraq. In 2014, Saudi Arabia gave $500 million — the largest single humanitarian donation to the U.N. — to help Iraqis displaced by ISIS. Over the past three years, Saudi Arabia has also been become the third-largest donor to the U.N.’s relief agency in Palestine, giving tens of millions of dollars to help rebuild Gaza and assist Palestinian refugees.
Så hodekapperne og barnemorderne i Saudi Arabia har sørget for å bidra med så mye penger til FN at verdensorganisasjonen er blitt avhengig av dem, og retusjerer sannheten når oljediktaturet krever det. Så enkelt og så grelt er det.