I en artikkel i nettavisa Forbes skriver Mark Adomanis at Ukrainas økonomi kollapser og Vesten later ikke til å bry seg om det.
Earlier reports, including my own, that Ukraine’s currency lost 30% of its value were not entirely accurate. The reality was actually quite a bit worse: the hryvnia shed roughly 50% of its value over the course of just two days, a stunning rout that places the country a hair’s breadth away from default.
Ukraine’s foreign currency reserves are now down to a minuscule $6.42 billion (and falling!), enough to cover just five weeks worth of imports. The usually accepted rule of thumb among economic analysts is that a country needs at least six months worth of “import cover,” and that anything less than 3 months is a crisis situation. Unless it receives substantial assistance in the immediate future, Ukraine will have less than a month’s worth of foreign currency: if reserves go much lower than they are at the moment, the country could quite literally run out of dollars and euros.
Det regimeskifterne fra US State Department med Victoria Nuland i spissen og med senator John McCain som høylytt og ganske vulgær cheerleader ser ut til å ha glemt er at Ukraina er mye mer avhengig av Russland enn omvendt. Adomanis fortsetter:
It might be inconvenient to note, but Russia is positively crucial to Ukraine’s economy not merely as a source of raw materials and energy but as a destination for industrial production that would otherwise be unable to find willing customers. According to Ukrainian government data, Russia accounted for roughly a quarter of the country’s total foreign trade. The equivalent figure from the Russian side? Somewhere between 6 and 7%.
Så ved å sette i verk statskuppet i februar 2014 og oppildne til krig mot de russisktalende i øst, har krigspartiet i USA sørget for å ødelegge Ukrainas tilgang til sitt viktigste eksportmarked, samtidig som kostnadene med krigen og ødeleggelsen av industrien er enorme. Nåja, USA har jo ikke gjort dette alene. Deres hel- og halvfascistiske allierte i Kiev har stått for mer enn sin del av elendigheten. Og nå forventer de at skattebetalerne i EU skal ta regninga.