I en artikkel i The Ecologist skriver Naomi Klein:
Klein, som nylig ga ut boka This Changes Everything har engasjert seg i kampen mot fracking i Storbritannia og skriver videre:
On a week-long trip to the UK last fall, I was struck by how quickly the push to open up the country to fracking has been escalating.
Thankfully, activists are mounting a vigorous and creative response, and are more than up to the task of galvanizing the public to put a stop to this mad dash to extract.
Myndighetene og fracking-industrien driver en hardhendt kampanje for å drive gjennom denne rovdriften, skriver Klein.
It may seem that frackers in the UK and elsewhere will stop at nothing to have their way. But thanks to the rising global climate movement, the so-called ‘bridge’ is already burning. And it’s long past time to choose a different path.
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