– Jeg, en konspirasjonsteoretiker og antivakser? La oss heller bygge bro

Journalist Guro Skjelderup

I forrige uke møtte jeg nesten 300 mennesker som har fått stempelet konspirasjonsteoretiker og antivakser. Her er mine refleksjoner.

Av Guro Skjelderup, hemali

Guro Skjelderup

I forrige uke var Hemalis redaktør Julia og jeg på farten. Først til Stavanger for å holde foredrag for Bindersinitiativet. Deretter til Hadeland for foredrag igjen, denne gangen på et seminar om bivirkninger. Med oss hadde vi Torkel Snellingen, PhD i medisin, som i februar neste år markerer 40 år som lege.

Julia snakket om sensur i media, Torkel samlet trådene etter snart tre år med pandemi. Jeg delte mine erfaringer etter at min helse ble rasert etter svineinfluensavaksinen.

Disse to arrangementene samlet omslag 300 mennesker. Jeg har gjort meg noen refleksjoner.

Vi har blitt kalt avskum. Vi har fått skylden for å drive pandemien videre.


Konspirasjonsteoretikere, antivaksere, foliehatter… Karakteristikken er mange på oss som valgte å avstå fra vaksinen. I kommentarfeltet har vi blitt kalt avskum. Vi har fått skylden for å drive pandemien videre. Mediene har reist spørsmål om vi har rett til tilgang til samfunnet. Om det er trygt å invitere oss i juleselskap.

Da jeg så utover forsamlingen i Stavanger, var det ingen jeg ville vært redd for å invitere hjem. Paneldebatten etter at Julia, Torkel og jeg hadde holdt våre foredrag viste refleksjon, dybde og et oppriktig ønske om å forstå situasjonen vi er i.

En lege rakk opp hånda og stilte et betimelig spørsmål: “I noen miljøer får sykdommen skylden for long covid, i andre miljøer får vaksinen skylden. Hvordan skal vi vite hva som er rett?”

De store spørsmålene

Ja, hvordan kan vi vite det? Det er mange spørsmål og logiske brister, det er stygge bivirkninger, det er overdødelighet. Grupper på Facebook som Erfaringer med Covid 19 vaksinering – Norge og Talk About it Norway er ikke opprettet for å spre løgner og skape konspirasjoner. De er skapt for å nyansere, for å gi dem som strever med bivirkninger en stemme.

Felles for alle dem jeg snakket med i Stavanger og Lunner, er at det nettopp er nyansene de søker. Jeg møtte ikke én eneste konspirasjonsteoretiker, men mange sannhetssøkere. Forskjellen er stor, men den synes å ha gått tapt kommentarfelt og i massemedia.

I stedet burde vi samle oss som ett folk og sammen kreve at våre ledere gir oss svar.

La oss samle oss

Tar det oss videre når vi kaster lenker og forskningsresultater og tall mellom oss i kommentarfeltene? De færreste av oss er kvalifisert til å fullt ut forstå tall og studier. Videre har vi liten eller ingen mulighet til å vurdere sannheten i det vi leser. I en så kompleks sak som Covid 19, finnes det få svar med to streker under.

I stedet burde vi samle oss som ett folk og sammen kreve at våre ledere gir oss svar. Det er hos dem ansvaret ligger. Å gi oss uavhengig forskning som kan gi svar, i den grad den finnes. Uansett hvilken side vi står på. At vi i det hele tatt snakker om “side”, er bare trist og uvirkelig. Men sånn har det blitt.

Fortvilte foreldre

På bivirkningsseminaret møtte jeg et foreldrepar som hadde kjørt flere timer for å om mulig finne noen svar. I ett år har deres 22 år gamle sønn vært syk etter sin første dose. Det startet med hjerteposebetennelse, og fortsatte med kampen for å få riktig hjelp. Den har de fremdeles ikke fått. Hvem har ansvaret?

En ambulansesjåfør kunne fortelle om en helt ny arbeidshverdag det siste året. Om et nytt og annerledes sykdomsbilde i befolkningen, og en presset situasjon.

Det gjør inntrykk. For dette skjer akkurat nå, men uten at det får plassen det fortjener i nyhetsbildet. Da kan det virke som om det ikke skjer. Men det skjer.

Hemalis innboks taler også sitt tydelige språk. Vi får meldinger om vaksineskader, brå dødsfall og rop om hjelp. Mange kvier seg for å stå fram med sine erfaringer. Men de har et behov for i det minste å få sagt til oss hva de opplever.

For dette skjer nå, men uten at det får plassen det fortjener i nyhetsbildet. Da kan det virke som om det ikke skjer. Men det skjer.

Hvor er våre ledere nå?

Så da stiller jeg på nytt spørsmålet: Det ble holdt 230 pressekonferanser under pandemien. Som befolkning ble nærmest fjernstyrt fra podiet. Hvor er er våre ledere nå, nå som vi skal rydde opp etter to års unntakstilstand?

Jeg lover mine ledere at jeg aldri skal si “hva var det jeg sa” hvis de snart klyver opp på podiet og innrømmer at de kan ha tatt feil. Eller i det minste kommer med lovnaden om at hver stein skal snus til sannheten kommer for en dag.

Bridge over troubled water sang Simon and Garfunkel. La oss gjøre nettopp det. Like viktig som å finne ut av hvem som har rett, er at vi finner forsoning.

Denne artikkelen ble først publisert av hemali.

Aseem Malhotra, Astrid Stuckelberger, Ryan Cole, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Christian Perronne og enn rekke andre internasjonale fagfolk skal fylle Klingenberg kino 19.11.
Les mer, se programmet, sikre deg billetter!

Internasjonal konferanse i Oslo 19.11.
Block your calendar now to attend this important all day event!Tickets are still available- but fast selling out  –  to this exceptional international confererence to be held in Oslo, Norway on November 19, 2022.
We have entered in a new age of government led authoritarianism under the guise of biosecurity and with a unprecedented censorship of scientific debate and an unacceptable government led control of  individual and public health  practice threatening the most important  premiss – do no harm!

This International Conference will address, not only the challenges, but also new opportunities rising out of the Covid Crisis .

Amongst invited speakers are leading national health policy makers, internationally acclaimed researchers, authors and lecturers and publishers within academics, clinical medicine and from the international news media.
Buy Ticket NowConference Program
Confererence Participants

Ryan ColeSpeakerClinical Pathologist, CEO & Medical Director Cole Diagnostics, Boise , Idaho, USARyan Cole is double board certified pathologist with specialist training from the Mayo Clinic with special expertise in immunology and virology.  As Founder and  Clinical Director of Cole Diagnostics – a independent medical pathology lab, serving  clinicians throughout Idaho and beyond – Ryan Cole  has examined over 500,000 cases  in his extensive 26 years of patient focused practice.As a strong, outspoken voice for integrity in medicine, he has testified in the Unted States Senate, multiple State Legislatures, and has appeared  on countless national and international media programs, and presented lectures  throughout the United States  and Worldwide.Ryan  is a board member of the Independent Doctors of Idaho, Pan American Alliance for Life, Unity Against Covid, Pandemic Health Allliance and was elected as the physician to the Idaho Central District Health board (guiding one million citizens) and is also a founding member of the Global Covid Summit.

Alexandra Henrion-CaudeSpeakerProfessor and Research Director of the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), FranceInternationally renowned geneticist having specialized in RNA related to epigenetics with postdoctoral degree from Harvard Medical She is the President of the Simplissima Institute.As Research Director at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research of France (INSERM) til 2019 – Alexandra Henrion-Caude has for the last two decades been one of the most influential personalities dealing with  policy for medical research in France.Since the emergence of the Covid-19 Crisis Alexandra Henrion-Caude  has been one of the most prolific activists among European academic leaders within the field of biomedical research calling out the misguided non scientific basis of governmental interventions of the Covid-19 Crisis and of the governmnetal malfeasance related to the  mass vaccination campaign.Alexanda has played a key role in the launching of the recent Medical Crisis Declaration on Vaccine Injuries.

Aseem MalhotraSpeakerNHSS-trained Consultant Cardiologist and President of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the UK Public Health Collaboration.
Aseem Malhotra is public health campaigner, lecturer and best selling author – world renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease.Aseem has been particularly concerned around misinformation on current medical interventions and public health policies related to the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and now of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.The Covid-19 vaccines have been shown to give unacceptable severe adverse reactions resulting in an intolerable increase in morbidity and mortality where sudden coronary death and inflammation of the heart (peri-myocarditis) are some of the most devastating  of   vaccine adverse reactions.Aseem Malhotra, with his background and prominence within his field, is now an important voice to help increase the awarness of the current medical crisis created by the mass vaccination campaign.

Meryl NassSpeakerInternal Medicine Consultant formerly at Mount Desert Island Hospital, Bar Harbor, Maine, USA.Meryl Nass has had a special interest in treating patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and Gulf War illnesses over many years where she also has had a long standing interest in the scientific evaluation of the  prevention of bioterrorism, particularly as related to anthrax.Since 1998,  she has spoken and written about the many soldiers and veterans who became ill after receiving anthrax vaccinations  usually with illnesses that were indistinguishable from the Gulf War Syndrome. Meryl has contributed to six congressional hearings in this regard.From the early days of the Covid-19 Crisis she  is one of many American Medical Practitioners that used  repurposed drugs for the early treatment of SARS CoV-2. Meryl has also spoken publicly about the dangers of COVID vaccines, for which the Medical Board of Maine withdrew hear license to practice medicine which she is now contesting.She is on the Executive Board of Children’s Health Defence Europe 

Christian PerronneSpeakerProfessor of infectious and transmissible diseases  & former Chief of Department  of the Greater Paris University Hospitals Group (AP-HP),Christian Perronne has for many decades been a key policy maker for epidemic control in France and Europe. He recently retired from the University of Versailles – Paris Saclay, He is the former President of the College of French Professors of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, & President of the French National Technical Advisory Group on Vaccination, He was the immediate former President of the Transmissible Disease Commission of the French High Council for Public Health, and Vice-president of ETAGE (European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization) at the World Health Organization.Christian Peronne has been one of the most important public voices against the current Covid-19 narratives both in his own country and in Europe with fierce critique of public policy as related to Covid-19 interventions and now to the mass vaccination campaigns.
Sven RománSpeaker             
Sven Román is a swedish child and adolescent psychiatrist. Founder and Director of the swedish Biomedico-Legal Network ProjectHe is one of many of doctors and nurses in the nordic countries that lost their jobs after refusing to take the Covid-19 «Vaccines» or on insisting on giving informed consent to their patients.This led him to become an activist against the Covid-19 narratives and Mass Vaccination Campaign. He is the founder of the Swedish Biomedico-Legal Network and co-founder of the Swedish Medical Doctors Declaration – «Läkaropprupet» that has now close to 26 000 signatures.He has been a contributing author at the Brownstone Institute revealing the misleading registration of Covid-19 diagnosis and tne non registration of vaccination status.The organization Biomedico-Legal Network Project is lending support to medical colleagues in sweden that are losing jobs and appointments for not having taken the C-19 «vaccine» products or refusing to follow the guidelines for prevention and or treatment of C-19.

Jeanne SartorSpeakerChildren’s Health Defence, EuropeJeanne Sartor has been a central personality in the western news circuit.For over two decades she was Director of Major Networks and National Accounts for Associated Press, New York and sub-sequently served for some ten years as director of business development of Ruptly gmbh in Berlin and before that has .Jeanne is currently a fund raiser for the U.S. based NGO – Childrens Health Defence- European Project. Children’s Health Defence is one of the leading voices that now is receiving increasing coverage in the so called legacy media and now with the increasing exposures coming out of the seroius nature of governmental and institutional malfeasance .As a key figure over many decades in the western international news media she has unique insights to share on the demise of the legacy news media.

Anette Iren IseneConference Host NLHFCo-Founder of Mitoboosting Supplements AS, Chairman of the Board of the Norwegian Doctors and Health Care Workers’ Alliance (NLHF). Anette has more than 20 years’ experience in Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship Programs and Organizations.She has a Master of Science Degree in Pharmacy from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She specialized in Organic Chemistry, Drug Design and Drug Discovery, Innovation and Nanomedicine with a focus on Nano-Carriers as Drug Delivery Systems.Anette was therefore deeply concerned when she heard about the rushed-to-market injections using Lipid Nanoparticles as a carrier of mRNA without any long-term safety data. The unknown consequences of non-specific targeting of biological membranes in the body and possible short-term and long-term adverse reactions could be fatal. With this background she had to speak out.

Julia BenitoConference Co-host HEMALIChief editor of the Norwegian Internet Magazine  «Helse Mat og Livstil» (HEMALI)  adressing  lifestyle,  health and nutrition, Julia is formerly editor of  Internet Magazine Caluna and  journalist in the News Room of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.

François DaubéConference Co-host IPSECo-founder and Executive Director of the International NGO for Political and Scientific Ethics, Geneva Switzerland,  Expert and instructor  of  behavioral relationships and  Hypno-therapeute NGH (mental preparation of horse riders)
Charlotte HaugConference ModeratorSenior researcher at SINTEF, Technology and Society , Department of Health and Adjunct Affiliate at the Center for Health Policy, University of Stanford.Charlotte Haug is a medical doctor with postgraduate training as a infectious disease and immunnology specialist with a PhD from the University of Oslo and a masters degree in health services research from Stanford University.From 2002 to 2015 she was the Chief Editor of the Norwegian Medical Association’s Publication – Tidsskriftet. and is currentlythe international correspondent for the New England Journal of Medicine.

Charlotte has been and active contributer lending a critical voice to the Norwegian national debate on issues related to the Covid-19 government policies and more recently the vaccination campaign.

Agnieszka WilsonConference ModeratorFounder of the global «CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign» and the host of the News Voice – Aga Wilson Show.Agnieszka Wilson has a Masters Degree of Political Science, from Uppsala University with a major in crisis management and international collaboration. From 2014 she was the executive director of NFCC International, an NGO empowering women and girls through advocacy, safe health service and education. Agnieszka has also  worked for the United Nations in post conflict settings where she helped coordinate the work of 22 UN agencies.Agnieszka is  the host of the Aga Wilson show under News Voice, an independent media channel based in Sweden.  She is the founder of the global #CanWeTalkAboutIt Campaign that aims to break the silence about covid19 vaccine injury and death.

Torkel SnellingenConferencier & SpeakerAdvisor to the Norwegian Association for Small and Medium Enterprises – SMBNorge. Former Associate Professor, Department Head, Vision Sciences,   Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tromsø, NorwayTorkel Snellingen is a  medical doctor (dr.med) and clinical interventional epdemiologist with a long career in  clinical research.  He was the principal investigator of  one of the  largest multicentre-multicountry  studies in south Asia in 1990s addressing strategies for the management  of cataract blindness.   Subsequently, upon invitation and with financial support from the World Health Oranization HQ in  Geneva,  he served as  Principal Investigator for the Cochrane Collaboration’s Eye and Vision Group. He has contributed to several international  book publications and  over 35 peer reviewed publications within vision sciences, environmental health and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  From 2006 to 2016  he  was based in Beijing as Foreign Expert supporting Chinese colleagues in the development of population cohort studies and lecturing in interventional epidemiology.In 2021 Torkel was instrumental, with some  50  nordic colleagues,  for the publication of the   «Nordic Covid Declaration»  and serving as the project’s principal editor. He is a board member of Norwegian Doctors and Healthcare  Workers Alliance.  
Astrid StuckelbergerConferencier & Speaker       Privat-Docent of the Medical Faculties of the Universitiesof Geneva and Lausanne. Switzerland.  Consultant to the World Health Organization
(WHO).  President of the Geneva International Network on Ageing created with WHO.
Astrid Stuckelberger is a prolific author and lecturer. She has authored more than 180 scientific articles, policy papers and government,  EU and UN reports and 12 book publications, Expert on EU & Swiss Scientific Committees. Astrid has over three decades worked closely with the WHO contributing as co-author to several books around issues concerning mental health, health policy, innovation and International research ethics.The last decade she worked with WHO on developing a training course for Member States in order to implement the WHO International Health Regulation (IHR) adopted by WHO General Assembly.In this capacity she rapidly became sceptical of the Covid-19 narrative and WHO interventions that were contrary to the IHR pandemic preparedness guidelines. This led her from the
early days of the WHO declaration of a «pandemic» to question member states risk assessment and policy response in scientific and media articles.Astrid is the co-founder and President of the Geneva based  International NGO on Political and Scientifics Ethics
Helse Mat og Livstil (HEMALI) & Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund (NLHF), Oslo Norway and  the International NGO for Political and Scientific Ethics, Geneva Switzerland
Klingenberg, November 19, 2022
Forrige artikkelEn målrettet krigføring
Neste artikkelCovid19-vaksineringen har ikke hatt noen positiv virkning – en kort gjennomgang
Guro Høgberg
Guro Høgberg er journalist i nettavisa hemali.