En militærenhet fra US Special Forces gjennomførte et raid i Jemen 29. januar 2017. Raidet førte til at minst 20 sivile ble drept sammen med 14 krigere fra al Qaida. Dette var det første kjente raidet spsialstyrkene har gjennomført etter at Donald Trump tok over som president i USA. Det egentlige målet for raidet, al Qaida-kommandanten Qassim al-Rimi, unnslapp angrepet.
Niall McCarthy skriver om dette på Statista:
Special forces operations like the one in Yemen are nothing new. America’s elite troops have found themselves on the frontlines constantly since 9/11, conducting operations everywhere from the dusty back alleys of North Africa to the snow-capped mountains of Afghanistan. Even though they have made headlines for high-profile operations like the prison break near Hawija in Iraq or the raid on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound in Afghanistan, the vast majority of special forces missions across the world involve training friendly soldiers to fight, mainly so Americans don’t have to.
American special operations troops deployed to 138 nations last year or 70 percent of the world’s countries according to official Special Operations Command data published by TomDispatch. 55.29 percent of deployments were in the Middle East, a 35 percent decease since 2006. In Africa, deployments of elite U.S. forces skyrocketed 1,600 percent during the same timeframe.
Statista har også presentert dette i kartformat.
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