I løpet av et tidagers studentopprør klarte studentene i Sør-Afrika i oktober 2015 å tvinge ANC-regjeringa til å trekke forslaget om å øke studieavgiftene med inntil 11%. Dette skriver Red Flag.
Beginning 14 October with a demonstration at Wits University in Johannesburg, students across the country rose up against the proposed hikes, which would have forced tens of thousands of students out of the system, joining the millions who are already locked out because of the cost and difficulty of sustaining themselves during their degrees.
This was the biggest uprising of students since the fall of apartheid. From the elite universities such as Wits, Rhodes University in the Eastern Cape and the University of Cape Town (UCT), to the “historically Black universities” and polytechnics such as the University of Western Cape, the Cape Polytechnic University of Technology and Nelson Mandela’s alma mater, the University of Fort Hare, students took action. They rallied together using the hashtag #FeesMustFall to coordinate, communicate and publicise their cause.
Studentopprøret er også omtalt i The Guardian, som sier at det er det største enkeltstående studentopprøret siden Soweto i 1976.
Så seint som 21.10.2015 brukte opprørspolitiet i Cape Town tåregass mot studentene. Få dager etter var kampen vunnet.