Den greske finansministeren, Yanis Varoufakis, har blitt intervjuet i Reuters, og han snakker i klartekst om hva en Grexit, en gresk utgang av euroen, kan bety for Europa:
«The euro is fragile, it’s like building a castle of cards, if you take out the Greek card the others will collapse.» Varoufakis said according to an Italian transcript of the interview released by RAI ahead of broadcast.
«I would warn anyone who is considering strategically amputating Greece from Europe because this is very dangerous,» he said. «Who will be next after us? Portugal? What will happen when Italy discovers it is impossible to remain inside the straitjacket of austerity?»
Varoufakis sa videre:
«Italian officials, I can’t tell you from which big institution, approached me to tell me they backed us but they can’t tell the truth because Italy also risks bankruptcy and they are afraid of the reaction from Germany,» he said.
I Italia vet alle at euroen har vært en katastrofe for landet, men det er bare Silvio Berlusconi og Beppe Grillo som tør å si det høyt.