I en artikkel om terrorismen som ble publisert før terrorhandlingene i Brussel skriver Patrick Cockburn i The Independent om hvordan vestlige ledere dukker unna ansvaret for den terroren de sjøl har skapt og hvordan de lojale mediene lar dem slippe unna med det.
A strange aspect of these conflicts is that Western leaders have never had to pay any political price for their role in initiating them or pursuing policies that effectively stoke the violence. Isis is a growing power in Libya, something that would not have happened had David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy not helped destroy the Libyan state by overthrowing Gaddafi in 2011. Al-Qaeda is expanding in Yemen, where Western leaders have given a free pass to Saudi Arabia to launch a bombing campaign that has wrecked the country.
Jeg kan naturligvis legge til at Jens Stoltenberg og hans rødgrønne regjering begikk de samme forbrytelsene som Cameron og Sarkozy – også uten å måtte betale den politiske prisen for å ha ødelagt et land og gitt terroristene en base i Libya.
Cockburn siterer den franske kartografen og Syria-eksperten Fabrice Balanche som sier at:
Syrian intellectuals in the opposition, many of whom had been in exile for decades, had a discourse similar to that of the Iraqi opposition during the US invasion of 2003. Some of them honestly confused their own hopes for a non-sectarian society with reality, but others – such as the Muslim Brotherhood – tried to obfuscate reality in order to gain the support of Western countries.
“In 2011–2012, we suffered a type of intellectual McCarthyism on the Syrian question: if you said that Assad was not about to fall within three months, you would be suspected of being paid by the Syrian regime. And with the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs having taken up the cause of the Syrian opposition, it would have been in bad taste to contradict its communiqués.
Den samme maccarthyismen har vi også i høyeste grad sett i Norge, der praktisk talt alle aviser og alle medier har kjørt den samme narrativen, og der den som har opponert enten ikke har fått komme til orde eller er blitt grovt sjikanert. Cockburn spør seg sjøl hvorfor europeiske politikere har fortsatt å støtte de islamistiske regimene i Saudi Arabia og gulfstatene, og har følgende svar:
Britain and France have stuck close to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies in their policies towards Syria. I asked a former negotiator why this was so and he crisply replied: “Money. They wanted Saudi contracts.” After the capture of Salah Abdeslam there is talk of security lapses that had allowed him to evade arrest for so long, but this is largely irrelevant as terrorist attacks will go on as long as Isis remains a power. Once again, the wall-to-wall media coverage is allowing Western governments to escape responsibility for a far worse security failure, which is their own disastrous policies.
Tre dager etter at artikkelen sto på trykk slo terroristene til igjen, og heller ikke denne gangen er det noen grunn til å tro at politikerne eller de servile mediene deres vil lære noe som helst.
Mine kommentarer etter Paris-terroren i november er vel heller ikke uaktuelle i dag: Belgia, salafismen og den saudiarabiske imperialismen.