Det irske parlamentsmedlemmet Martina Anderson fra Sinn Féin sier at en studie utført for US Department of Agriculture viser at landbruket i EU vil bli den store taperen i alle de tre scenarioene som ble studert. Anderson sier:
The study by the United States Department of Agriculture shows how the US would benefit from TTIP while the EU would lose, in all of the three scenarios examined.
Even using the highly criticized CGE economic model which it is claimed paints an overly optimistic picture of the possible gains for the EU, our agriculture in all three areas examining Tariffs, Tariff-Rate Quotas (TRQs) and Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) would be a major loser.
Sammendraget av studien er publisert her.
Scenario 1 viser:
U.S. agricultural exports to the EU increase by $5.5 billion from base year (2011) levels, while EU agricultural exports to the United States increase by $0.8 billion.
Scenario 2 viser:
In the second scenario, the additional removal of select NTMs (e.g., meats, field crops, and fruits and vegetables) results in an increase in U.S. exports to the EU by an additional $4.1 billion over gains in the first scenario. For the EU the removal of NTMs generates an additional gain of $1.2 billion in exports to the United States.
Scenario 3 viser:
The removal of select NTMs could lead to consumers preferring domestically produced products versus the importer equivalent. Thus, in the third scenario, export gains are smaller for both the United States and the EU.