Tidligere finansminister i Hellas, Yanis Varoufakis, sier at han hadde fått i oppgave av statsminister Alexis Tsipras å utrede en plan B for Hellas, dersom det skulle skjære seg i forhandlingene med eurosonen. Det dreide seg helt konkret om å forberede overgangen til en parallellvaluta til euroen, slik at den greske økonomien kunne fortsette å fungere dersom EU skulle blokkere tilgang på kreditt. Det er den greske nettavisa ekathimerini.com som skriver dette:
Schäuble, the finance minister of Germany, is hell-bent on effecting a Grexit so nothing is over. But let me be very specific and very precise on this. The prime minister before he became PM, before we won the election in January, had given me the green light to come up with a Plan B. And I assembled a very able team, a small team as it had to be because that had to be kept completely under wraps for obvious reasons. And we had been working since the end of December or beginning of January on creating one. But let me give you if you are interested some of the political and the institutional impediments that made it hard for us to complete the work and indeed to activate it. The work was more or less complete: We did have a Plan B but the difficulty was to go from the five people who were planning it to the 1,000 people that would have to implement it. For that I would have to receive another authorisation which never came.
We were planning along a number fronts. I will just mention one. Take the case of the first few moments when the banks are shut, the ATMs don’t function and there has to be some parallel payment system by which to keep the economy going for a little while, to give the population the feel that the state is in control and that there is a plan.
Planen gikk ut på å lage et digitalt betalingssystem via skatteetatens nett der forbrukerne kunne få overført digitale penger og også betale med digitale penger. Dette ville ha skapt et parallelt banksystem som kunne fungere når bankene eventuelt måtte stenge.
Men det ble aldri noe av. Og slik Varoufakis beskriver planen virker den kanskje improvisert. Man planla blant annet å hacke seg inn på finansdepartementet eget nett for å få tilgang til skatteetatens koder.