Forholdet mellom Russland og Kina blir stadig bedre, og særlig etter at Vesten satte i gang sanksjonene mot Russland. Nå melder Oil&Gas Eurasia at Russland er klar for å gi Kina 50% andel av strategiske oljefelter:
Russia may consider granting Chinese investors over 50 percent stakes in its strategic hydrocarbon fields, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich has said. “If there is a request from China, we will seriously consider it. And I see no political obstacles at the moment,” Dvorkovich said Friday at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, adding that fields on the Arctic continental shelf are an exception.
Dvorkovich la ikke skjul på at det her er snakk om et strategisk partnerskap:
We have a strategic partnership with China and now decisions are made much faster than before. In particular, we have a gas contract; a second one will be signed soon. Now we know China better: their motives and intentions are understood. There used to be a psychological barrier. Now it doesn’t exist anymore. We are interested in maximizing investments in new industries. China is an obvious investor for us,” Arkady Dvorkovich said at the conference in Krasnoyarsk.
Vesten med USA i spissen har tydeligvis hjulpet Russland med å kvitte seg med sine psykologiske barrierer mot et tettere samarbeid med Kina. Det må kalles godt jobba!
Les også: Historiske avtaler mellom Russland og Kina
og Russland og Kina planlegger eget SWIFT-system for banktransaksjoner.