Nobelprisvinneren Joseph Stiglitz har engasjert seg til støtte for Hellas mot EU og Troikaen. i en artikkel for The Institute for New Economic Thinking med tittelen Europe’s Attack on Greek Democracy skriver han:
The rising crescendo of bickering and acrimony within Europe might seem to outsiders to be the inevitable result of the bitter endgame playing out between Greece and its creditors. In fact, European leaders are finally beginning to reveal the true nature of the ongoing debt dispute, and the answer is not pleasant: it is about power and democracy much more than money and economics.
Instituttet, der Stiglitz spiller en sentral rolle, følger opp folkeavstemninga i Hellas med et intervju med økonomen James K. Galbraith. Intervjuet har tittelen: The Greek Revolt Against Bad Economics Threatens European Elites. Galbraith sier:
What is at stake is a rather heroic rebellion by a very beleaguered people against a doctrine which has been destroying their lives — the austerity doctrine and the whole neoliberal project. For the rest of us, what is at stake is whether we have the moral courage and the sense of ethical responsibility to stand up to it. …
This is what terrifies the European elites about the Greek situation. What Syriza did was to wipe out — and the referendum completed the job — the leadership of the previous sort of condominium of governing parties, which were a neoliberal conservative party and a neoliberalized social party. Now what do you find in the rest of Europe? Look at Germany, look at France. You find exactly the same thing. And of course, the elites in those countries fear the same phenomenon. So what we’re seeing is an allergic reaction to what they regard as a political threat of the first order.
Og dette opprøret har bare så vidt startet. Ånden er ute av flaska og det krever mer enn en Juncker, en Merkel eller Draghi å få den tilbake igjen.