Det er mer og mer tydelig at det finnes en de facto allianse mellom Israel og Saudi Arabia. De ser begge Iran som en fiende og de prøver begge å styrte Assads regime i Syria. Den velinformerte amerikanske journalisten Robert Parry har fått informasjoner om at saudiarabiske oljemilliader har bidratt til å gjøre Israel mer villig til å samarbeide.
According to a source briefed by U.S. intelligence analysts, the Saudis have given Israel at least $16 billion over the past 2 ½ years, funneling the money through a third-country Arab state and into an Israeli “development” account in Europe to help finance infrastructure inside Israel. The source first called the account “a Netanyahu slush fund,” but later refined that characterization, saying the money was used for public projects such as building settlements in the West Bank.
In other words, according to this information, the Saudis concluded that if you can’t beat the Israel Lobby, try buying it. And, if that is the case, the Saudis have found their behind-the-scenes collaboration with Israel extremely valuable. Netanyahu has played a key role in lining up the U.S. Congress to fight an international agreement to resolve a long-running dispute over Iran’s nuclear program.
Artikkelen bør leses. Den gir viktige bidrag til en analyse av både Israels og Saudi Arabias nye strategier. Dette har betydning for krigen i Syria og i Jemen, og ikke minst for forsøkene på å isolere og eventuelt bombe Iran.
Nå er ikke Parry på noen måte alene om å snakke om en allianse Israel-Saudi Arabia. Denne artikkelen i Jerusalem Post diskuterer dette helt åpent, og mener at det er på tide at man i Israel verdsetter denne alliansen.
The partnership that has emerged in this war between Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia is a direct consequence of Obama’s abandonment of the US’s traditional allies. Recognizing the threat that Hamas, as a component part of the Sunni jihadist alliance, constitutes for their own regimes, and in the absence of American support for Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have worked with Israel to defeat Hamas and keep Gaza’s borders sealed.
Most Israelis have yet to grasp the strategic significance of this emerging alliance.
I Huffington Post skriver David Hearst:
The attack on Gaza comes by Saudi Royal Appointment. This royal warrant is nothing less than an open secret in Israel, and both former and serving defense officials are relaxed when they talk about it.
Allerede i 2013 hadde Ha’aretz denne artikkelen om alliansen mellom Israel og Saudi Arabia:
Israel and Saudi Arabia are secretly working together on plans for a possible attack against Iran in case the Geneva talks fail to roll back its nuclear program, British paper The Sunday Times reported.
Alliansen er et faktum. Tel Aviv samarbeider tett med Riyadh, uansett om det også betyr å støtte jihadistiske grupper som a-Qaida og IS. Parry legger bare til en ny bit i puslespillet når han altså kan fortelle at alliansen høyst sannsynlig er smurt med arabiske oljemilliarder.