Mainstream media i USA har vært solide hærførere for Hillary Clinton, men de siste avsløringene av korrupsjon og andre forbrytelser ser ut til å ta på også for dem. Som jeg har nevnt i en annen artikkel er den Clinton-vennlige The Washington Post ramsalt i sine kommentarer til et notat fra den nære medarbeideren til Bill Clinton, Douglas Band, der han over 12 sider i detalj forteller om pengemanipulasjonene mellom Wall Street og Clinton Inc.
Nå er det også tydeligvis blitt for mye for Wall Street Journal. I september 2016 gikk avisa på lederplass inn for Hillary Clinton som USAs neste president. 1. november 2016 er hvetebrødsdagene over og lederskribenten Holman W. Jenkins jr. skriver:
Mrs. Clinton is a screw-up. And when a trait takes such trouble to announce itself, note must be taken.
All this being so, many Americans probably would have been happy to see the difficulties bypassed by Mrs. Clinton simply returning all her emails and devices intact to the State Department. This she did not do. In response to reasonable and unavoidable questions about whether her arrangement and subsequent actions violated the law, the Obama administration had no choice but to launch a criminal investigation. …
Donald Trump (or any candidate) may not be a solution in himself, but an outsider at least can be an instrument to dislodge an elite and replace it, for a while, with an elite less habituated to using public power to favor and enrich itself. With Mrs. Clinton, as with Mr. Obama, a voter naturally struggles to understand what the overarching vision is. There isn’t one. They exist to deliver the wish-list of Democratic lobby groups for more power over the people of the United States. Period.
A few weeks ago Mrs. Clinton was the “safe hands” candidate. If she wins, it now appears hers will be an embattled and investigated presidency from day one. Moderates will flee. Republicans will find it hard to cooperate with her.
Den antakelig skitneste valgkampen i USAs historie er i ferd med å bli ei full systemkrise som har utløst mytteri i de hemmelige tjenestene og stammekriger i Washington. Og fortsatt er norske medier kritikkløse Hillary-fans. De risikerer å bli de siste dagers hellige.