Eva Bartlett – The silenced voice of the Syrian people

Eva Bartlett at the Mot Dag Conference 2019, Parkteatret, Oslo.

Eva Bartlett traveled straight from Syria to the Mot Dag Conference in Oslo. The Western media has made invisible the majority of the Syrian people during the war against Syria, and kept their voices from being heard. Bartlett has traveled extensively in Syria during the war and presents testimonies from numerous Syrians. Their accounts are very different from what the Western main stream media have been publishing. Eva Bartlett is an independent writer and rights activist with extensive experience in Syria and in the Gaza Strip, where she lived a cumulative three years (from late 2008 to June 2010, and back in 2011 off and on to March 2013). She documented the 2008/9 and 2012 Israeli war crimes and attacks on Gaza while riding in ambulances and reporting from hospitals. Since 2007 she has been writing from and on issues in the Middle East, mainly occupied Palestine and in recent years Syria. She is published in many media outlets and also has her own blog. Her work can be supported through her PP-account.

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Eva Bartlett
Eva Karene Bartlett er en kanadisk-amerikansk journalist som har tilbrakt år på bakken og dekket konfliktsoner i Midtøsten, spesielt i Syria og Palestina (hvor hun bodde i nesten fire år). Hun var mottaker av 2017 International Journalism Award for International Reporting, gitt av Mexican Journalists' Press Club (grunnlagt i 1951), og var den første mottakeren av Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. Se hennes utvidede biografi på bloggen hennes In Gaza. Hun tvitrer fra @EvaKBartlett og har Telegram Channel, Reality Theories. Eva kan også nås på evabartlett@hotmail.com.